Driver's Choice * is a god-send to any Porsche owners who cannot stomach the dealership prices or experience (SO snobbish!). They are reliable, their prices are reasonable, and they are a pleasure to deal with. I was leaking coolant and really worried. It took them forever to work me in, but when they did, I got the car in two days. I had a water pump that needed replacing, and all sorts of things that go with that. Took me just into 4-figures, and now I can drive it again (well, actually, there's a slew of other things too...). Miki is very pleasant to deal with in this altogether no BS place - and her doggies are adorable. My only 'complaint' is that it took over a week to work me in! That means: A) They are busy, because customers are coming back, and referring others to them, and ...B) Porsches need a lot of TLC. That's "German engineering" for ya! * They can't quite decide whether they are "Drivers Choice", "Driver's Choice", or "Drivers' Choice", since their logo/listing all say the first, while in speaking of themselves they use the second; but not that I'm trying to be grammar teacher here, but it really needs to be the third. The possessive needs to be there, and surely it's more than one driver's choice!